Adoption of villages under Doubling Farmers Income

Name of the village with a brief background: Kuchiajhar

The village is dominated by Bodo tribe with 104 households. Number of male and female voter in the village is 400 and 200 respectively. Major source of income in the village is Agriculture followed by Sericulture. Total 94% of the villagers are farmers with monthly income of Rs. 4000. Only 6 % of the population is government service holder with monthly income Rs 25000/month. The total agricultural land in the village is 68 Ha with average land holding of 0.65 ha. The farming situation in the village is rainfed and total land utilization is 80%. Among the cultivated land 5% area is covered by Bari and 10% area is cultivable wasteland.

Income enhancing activities undertaken​ : Mushroom cultivation, CFLD on Pulse, Seed production programme in winter paddy var. Ranjit, Duckery, Piggery, Vermicompost. Some of the farmers like Lankeswar Kherkatary and Rupali Self Help Group has increased their income to double in the field of piggery, paddy, oilseed and mushroom cultivation with net income of Rs 137200.00 and Rs 66000.00 respectively.

Name of the village with a brief background: Gamariguri

The village is dominated by Bodo tribe with 90 households. Number of male and female voter in the village is 300 and 150 respectively. Major source of income in the village is Agriculture followed by animal husbandry mainly Piggery. Total 96% of the villagers are farmers with monthly income of Rs. 8570. The total agricultural land in the village is 51.78 Ha with average land holding of 0.65 ha. The farming situation in the village is rainfed and total land utilization is 84%. Among the cultivated land 6% area is covered by Bari and 9% area is cultivable wasteland.

Income enhancing activities undertaken​ : Mushroom cultivation, CFLD on oilseed, Piggery and other agricultural inputs.

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