Campaign of Food and Nutrition for Farmers under Bharat Ka Amrut Mahotsav

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Barpeta has organised the campaign of Food and Nutrition for Farmers under Bharat Ka Amrut Mahotsav on 26th August at KVK Training Hall in a befitting manner. The introductory address was given by Dr. Arup Kumar Deka, Senior Scientist and Head necessitating the need of proper nutrition and balanced diet for every member of a family. He also stressed upon the need of nutrition in present COVID era. Mrs. Lipika Nath, SMS (Hort) addressed the house on the need of kitchen garden in every household and how it can benefit a family in maintaining a balanced diet for all the members. Mr. Pinkudhar Barman, SMS (Agronomy) discussed on the topic “Linking agricultural resources for nutrition” and explained about the nutritional importance of various foods available in our surroundings. He discussed in threadbare details about the biofortified cereals and nutritive value of vegetables & fruits as well.

An exhibition was organized on nutritional food and vegetables which was inaugurated by the Head, KVK at the beginning of the programme.

Soon after the delivery of the lecture given by Pinkudhar Barman, SMS (Agronomy) the farmers were linked to the online meeting of ICAR in which Hon’ble AMs delivered their speeches.

The no. of farmers attended was 50 out of which 25 males and 25 females. The campaign came to the end with a vote of thanks from Dr. Swapna Choudhury, SMS (Community Science)

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