Celebration of International Women Day

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Barpeta has organised the International Women Day at Kuchiajhar  under Bhawanipur Block on 8th March, 2022. The theme of International Women Day is to gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow. The year 2022 is pivotal for achieving gender equality in the context of climate change and environmental and disaster risk reduction. Without gender equality today, a sustainable future and an equal future, remains beyond our reach.

At the outset the participants were welcome by Dr. Swapna Choudhury, SMS(C.Sc), then Dr. Arup Kr Deka, Senior Scientist & Head, KVK, Barpeta has elaborated the significant of International Women Day and called upon the women participants to come forwarded for income generating activities and thereby facilited the women empowerment. He also urged the male counterpart to recognized the deserving position of women in the society.

All together twenty four women’s took participate in the programme. In this context a training programme on “Tie and Dye used in Fabric” was also organized among women from today onward which will continue to 9th March, 2022. It is aimed that through this trainee participants will be able to earned money through adoption of techniques demonstrated.

It is worth mentioning that Ms Jyotirupa Kalita(YP-II) of KVK, Barpeta has published and released a book of poems “A Silver of Hope” published by Wissenmonk today at Brahmaputra River Heritage Centre.

The programme came to the end with a vote of thanks from Dr. Swapna Choudhury, SMS (Community Science)

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