Success Story of Mr. Kamal Talukdar

Mr. Kamal Talukdar is a farmer of the village Doloigaon of Bajali area. After passing his class XII examination, he completed the Certificate course on Plumber (ITI) and then he started farming. Mr. Talukdar has 2.4 ha of his own land for framing. He came in contact with Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Barpeta in the last part of 2019. Before that, he cultivated crops with traditional methods. He participated in a few training and demonstration programmes on field crops, horticultural crops and on plant protection after meeting KVK, Barpeta and started growing crops using scientific technology. At present, he grows vegetables in an area of 0.33 ha and field crops in the rest of the areas.  The major crops he grows are rice (2.0 ha), rapeseed and mustard (1.0 ha), pulses like lentil, rajma (0.26 ha). In case of vegetables, both summer and winter vegetables are grown. He put more emphasis on organic cultivation of vegetables, some high value crops like strawberry, dragon fruit, papaya, broccoli etc. Besides crops, he has one fishery covering an area of 0.40 ha and five number of cows (Cross bred Holstrain and Jersy). At present, he is running a horticultural nursery and producing vermicompost and mushroom. Mr. Talukdar has adopted the production and management technology of strawberry, offseason and organic vegetable cultivation practices, high density planting of papaya and raising and management of horticultural nursery. He has developed Papaya stem forking (at base) to enhance the strength of the papaya plant to withstand hailstorm and wind. The enterprise wise per hectare net income of Mr. Talukdar before intervention (2019-20) and during 2021-22 is given as follows:

Enterprise/ CropsNet income (Rs.) Percentage change in income during 2021-22 over 2019-20
 Before intervention (2019-20)2021-22 
Field crops (Rice, Toria etc.)3350050,10049.55
Integrated farming system/ Horticultural crops3740077,400106.95
Horticultural Nursery045,000100.00

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