Success story of Mrs Kalpana Barman 

Name and address of the farm woman

Mrs Kalpana Barman 
Vill: Uttar Bherbheri
P.S.: Sorbhog,
P.O. Bholukadaba
Dist: Barpeta, Assam -781317
Ph. No: +919678120960

Background information regarding new technologies/innovations/skills developed implemented and disseminated among the community

Mrs Kalpana Barman earlier only used to weave traditional clothes and cultivate paddy and sesame with a very low income

Her zeal to work in different avenues made her undergo trainings on Vermicompost production, mushroom cultivation, natural dyeing of cotton yarns, horticulture nursery management in KVK, Barpeta.

With her immense success and hard work, fellow villagers also took up vermicompost production in their households. With more training, support and convergence of other departments, her village Uttar Bherbheri was declared as Vermi-village where 60 numbers of households are currently engaged in production of 500 qt vermicompost annually.

Training and motivational support to the farmers/members of the community

Mrs Barman is actively involved in uplifting the livelihood of her fellow village members. She has been appointed as ‘Krishi Sakhi’ for community development by Assam State Rural Livelihood Mission, Barpeta.

She regularly gives trainings on mushroom cultivation, vermicompost preparation and value addition of traditional clothes through natural dye free of cost to her fellow community members. Notably, earthworms required for vermicompost preparation are being provided free of cost to the new producers.

Impact in the area in terms of income/employment generation/ women’s empowerment in the community

Mrs. Barman started vermi-composting with 1 unit and then in the following year increased her vermicompost units to 4 numbers producing 40.25 qt of vermicompost per year and earned a net income of Rs 48,300.00 by selling vermicompost and vermiwash.

She encouraged the other village unemployed youths for producing vermicompost and with the support and training of KVK, Barpeta succeeded to recognise Uttar Bherbheri as Vermi-village where 60 numbers of households are currently engaged in production of 500 qt vermicompost from 65 numbers of vermi units and thus, as a whole earning a total income of Rs. 6 lakhs by all the producers.

From all of the newly adopted technologies (mushroom, vermicompost, vermiwash, clothes dyed with natural substance, potato and paddy cultivation), Mrs Barman earned Rs 1,06,300.00 as a total net income in 2020-21 in comparison to previous years i.e. before KVK intervention which was Rs 61251.00 (from paddy, sesame and woven products). Thus, Mrs Barman has increased her income up to 73.55% which encouraged other women to view her as a role model.

Noteworthily, her hand woven stales are being exported to the international market by govt. agencies.

With the success scripted, fellow villagers were also motivated with and she encouraged them through trainings and other convergence with different government agencies. She is also the co-founder of Rhimjhim Self Help Group, a self help group currently engaged in women empowerment through different employment generation activities like Mushroom cultivation, vermicompost production, weaving of traditional clothes etc. 

Awards and recognition

Sl noParticulars of the awardAwarding agencyYear
1.Best women farmer of the districtDepartment of Agriculture, Barpeta2017
2.Best women farmerKrishi Vigyan Kendra, Barpeta2019

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