Self financed Input dealer training programme for insecticide management

self financed Input dealer training programme for insecticide management

The twelve day long self financed Input dealer training programme for insecticide management organized by Krishi Vigyan Kendra Barpeta in collaboration with Department of Agriculture, Barpeta concluded on 6th October, 2023. The valedictory session was attended by Mr. Parikhit Bayan, District Agriculture Officer, Barpeta along with Dr. Arup Kumar Deka, Senior Scientist and Head, KVK Barpeta and scientists of the centre. In his opening remarks, Mr. Parikhit Bayan urged the farmers to follow the rules and regulations of the Insecticide Act and not to sell any spurious and misbranded pesticides…

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Identification and popularisation of feasible and profitable IFS Modules for different Agro-Ecological situations at Barpeta district

This project was started from 1st week of June 2021 with objectives of 1. development of site specific and appropriate crop and/or enterprise based models suitable for different agro-ecological situations 2. undertaking a cost benefit analysis of the models and suggest one or two models best suited for the area with the aim of doubling farmer income 3. documentation of some successful IFS models being practices for feasibility of replicating them 4.documentation of suitable IFS models to the farmers of the region and 5. Identify core activities integral to the…

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Formation of Farmer Producer Organizations

KVK Barpeta has been acting as the Cluster Based Business Organization (CBBO) for formation of FPOs. As such, 4 Farmer Producer Organizations were formed Barpeta and Mandia block of Barpeta district and Bhawanipur and Bajali block of Bajali district during 2021-22 with the support of National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC) under CSS-10,000 FPO. Primary crops chosen were Mustard and vegetables including Potato during D-MC meeting of the district. Four awareness meetings and 2 trainings for CEO and BOD were conducted. An amount of Rs. 4,69,000.00 was released to the FPOs…

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Success Story of Mr. Kamal Talukdar

Mr. Kamal Talukdar is a farmer of the village Doloigaon of Bajali area. After passing his class XII examination, he completed the Certificate course on Plumber (ITI) and then he started farming. Mr. Talukdar has 2.4 ha of his own land for framing. He came in contact with Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Barpeta in the last part of 2019. Before that, he cultivated crops with traditional methods. He participated in a few training and demonstration programmes on field crops, horticultural crops and on plant protection after meeting KVK, Barpeta and started…

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Success story of Mrs Kalpana Barman 

Name and address of the farm woman Mrs Kalpana Barman Vill: Uttar BherbheriP.S.: Sorbhog,P.O. BholukadabaDist: Barpeta, Assam -781317Ph. No: +919678120960 Background information regarding new technologies/innovations/skills developed implemented and disseminated among the community Mrs Kalpana Barman earlier only used to weave traditional clothes and cultivate paddy and sesame with a very low income Her zeal to work in different avenues made her undergo trainings on Vermicompost production, mushroom cultivation, natural dyeing of cotton yarns, horticulture nursery management in KVK, Barpeta. With her immense success and hard work, fellow villagers also took up…

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Crop Diversification for Enhancing Farmers’ Income

Background Information: Name of the Farmer: Mr. Prabhat Das Education: H.S.L.C Livelihood: Agril. Entrepreneurship Village: Meda, Sorbhog Meda and adjoining areas in Sorbhog is one of the vegetable belts of the district. Farmers of that locality grow traditional varieties of rabi vegetables and non-descript winter paddy varieties in a substantial manner. Journey in Time Line: Mr. Prabhat Das, a young and energetic farmer approached KVK Barpeta to find out ways to increase farm income. In no time, Scientists from KVK Barpeta visited his farm and advised Mr. Das to go…

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Mr  Prafulla Das , successful agri-entreprenuer of Barpeta district

Introduction: Hard work with positive attitude is the prime force behind the success of an entrepreneur as proved by the dedicated farmer, Mr. Prafulla Das, a Strawberry grower of Peragaon pathar village under Sorbhog Development Block in Barpeta district of Assam. He owns only 4 bighas of land including his residence. He earns his livelihood by growing paddy and other field crops at Peragaon Pathar village with an income of mere Rs. 3000.00 KVK intervention: In the year 2017, he first came in contact with the Scientists of Krishi Vigyan…

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Celebration of International Women Day

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Barpeta has organised the International Women Day at Kuchiajhar  under Bhawanipur Block on 8th March, 2022. The theme of International Women Day is to gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow. The year 2022 is pivotal for achieving gender equality in the context of climate change and environmental and disaster risk reduction. Without gender equality today, a sustainable future and an equal future, remains beyond our reach. At the outset the participants were welcome by Dr. Swapna Choudhury, SMS(C.Sc), then Dr. Arup Kr Deka, Senior Scientist &…

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