Designing Breeding Crate For Safety Of New Born Piglet And Formulation Of Botanical Pesticides

Name & Address:
Mr. Diganta Deka
IFS Entrepreneur, Vill: Bathanotari, Barpeta, Pin: 781307


Mr. Diganta Deka, a highly educated youth started farming after leaving his lucrative business of  restaurant at Pune since 2016. He practiced the IFS model in his farm which is beneficial in terms of higher food production to equate the demand of the exploding population of our nation, increased farm income through proper residue recycling and allied components, sustainable soil fertility and productivity through organic waste recycling. There is also regular stable income through the products like egg, milk, mushroom, meat, fish & vegetables etc. In connection with his farming, he innovated breeding crate for safety of new born piglet which results effectively in terms of reduced mortality of piglets. He also innovated one Botanical Pesticide which showed very effective results against various harmful insect-pests & diseases of different crops.

About the Innovation:

  • During pig farming Mr. Deka faced challenges of safety of new born piglets from their mother itself. He searched for the means to overcome this situation and started browsing internet and suddenly he came up with a clue that a breeding crate of iron can be made to save the piglets from the knocking down of the mother.
  • Accordingly, he tried to use his own ideas and constructed three nos. of breeding crates by using iron rods & sheets after suitable modifications as per the local need. After using this breeding crate now he is able to provide safety of new born piglets from getting pressed by their mother and thus mortality due to this reason is drastically reduced.
  • Secondly, he also formulated one Botanical pesticide which showed effective results against various harmful insect-pest & diseases of different crops. The formulation included the ingredients as follows:

1. Local cow Urine: 10 lit

2. Neem Leaves: 10 kg

3. Akon Leaves: 2 kg

4. Dhatura leaves & Fruits: 2 kg

5. Wood Apple leaves: 1 kg

6. Bihalongoni leaves: 0.5 kg

7. Karanch tree seeds: 250 gm

8. Tobacco leaves: 50 gm

9. Local marijuana leaves: 100 gm

10. Garlic: 100 gm

11. King Chilly: 100 gm

All the leaves, fruits & seeds are crushed and ground and then mixed together. Then boiled the mixture of the extracts up to a limit when the entire mixture is reduced to half. Then after filtering the mixture through muslin cloth the liquid is stored in a bottle/container in a safe place out of the reach of children.

Uses: The dosage of pesticide is 100 ml/15 lit size sprayer.

Economics of Innovation:

  • The cost of the breeding crates is around Rs. 2000/- each. By using this device the saving for each of the piglets will be Rs. 3000/- which otherwise would have been lost if died.
  • The cost of preparation of botanical pesticide is Rs. 100/- per litre.


  • Breeding Crate: The device is helpful to provide safety of new born piglets from her mother and hence mortality of piglet is zero.
  • Botanical Pesticides: This formulation is very effective against various harmful insect-pest & diseases of different crops. The formulation can also be very beneficial for the farmers who want to adopt organic farming.


  • Breeding Crate: The devise is very popular among the nearby farmers and they also started to use the device.
  • Botanical Pesticides: Mr. Deka presently asked the farmers to apply the formulation in their field and the result was positive as per their feed back. He also provided the formulation to KVK, Barpeta to evaluate the result.

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